Congratulations Travis!
This year we head to Stouville, Ontario to try out treetop trekking. First lab retreat outside the city. Thanks to our undergrad Ariel for a fantastic job organizing the trip. This is turning into a tradition…
Leo gives an invited talk on the OrigamiFISH project at the Max Bergmann symposium in Dresden, Germany. Thanks to the organizers for the wonderful symposium and opportunity to share our work. Looking forward to this manuscript coming online soon.
Btw, thanks for making us install all the extra dependencies…
Happy birthday Shana!
Students learning how to work with mice. Thanks to our neighbor Julien for the kind help!
Congratulations to Meghan, well-deserved recognition! Looking forward to doing great science and many more celebrations with you!
With the pandemic restrictions easing, the long awaited annual lab dinner, originally scheduled before the holidays, finally happened! What a great bunch to science with. Special thanks to Meghan for organizing!