Travis gives a lightning talk as one of the eight 2022 PRiME fellows, while Eric and Shana discusses their work on using origamiFISH-Flow to study DNA origami - immune interactions
Leo gives an invited talk on the OrigamiFISH project at ACS NE Regional Meeting in Rochester, New York
Amir, Farshad, and Kousha joins the lab, bringing with them diverse backrounds in mechanical engineering, health sciences, and biology. Welcome all!
Congratulations Travis!
Leo gives an invited talk on the OrigamiFISH project at the Max Bergmann symposium in Dresden, Germany. Thanks to the organizers for the wonderful symposium and opportunity to share our work. Looking forward to this manuscript coming online soon.
Congratulations to Meghan, well-deserved recognition! Looking forward to doing great science and many more celebrations with you!
We celebrate Stuti on accepting the offer to join Pacific Biosciences in sunny San Diego, CA. Best of luck Stuti, be the future of long-read dna sequencing! You will be sorely missed by the lab!
We bid farewell to Abdulmateen, who completed a MASc in the Chou lab. He will be joining the Schurmanns lab as a research associate before starting his PhD program in Fall 2022!
Abdulmateen and Stuti both successfully passed their MASc defenses! Both of them delivered a fantastic oral presentation and did terrific jobs on the Q&A. Congratulations to Abdulmateen and Stuti!!